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José Miguel de Barandiaran Foundation

The Jose Miguel de Barandiaran Foundation was set up by Mr. José Miguel de Barandiarán and Eusko Ikaskuntza-Basque Studies Society, in June 1988. It is governed by a Board, and is sponsored by the Basque Government, the Government of Navarre, and the Statutory Diputations (provincial governments) of Alava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa.

The objectives of this Foundation are to study the life of José Miguel de Barandiarán, his thoughts and his contributions to science and culture, disseminating his work in all fields; gathering both his published and unpublished scientific production, promoting a painstakingly analytical edition of his works, and continue the research initiated and carried out by José Miguel de Barandiarán mainly in the fields of prehistory, archaeology, anthropology and ethnography, by means of research programs and scholarships, and by means of courses, seminars, conferences and other analogous activities, and publishing the results of the research promoted by the Foundation.

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La Beca Barandiaran para Ilargi Aristondo

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Sara Bilduma

The Collection Sara is created with the aim to offer the reader and researcher a careful and critical selection of the most important works from among the enormous production of José Miguel de

8 Publications

Barandiaran Bilduma

Eusko Ikaskuntza-Sociedad de Estudios Vascos created in 1980 the Grant José Miguel de Barandiarán in collaboration with the Diputaciones Forales of Alava, Biscay, Gipuzkoa and Navarre.

23 Publications

Eusko Folklore

The Anuario de Eusko Folklore was created by José Miguel de Barandiarán in 1921 and was published as a publication of the Sociedad de Estudios Vascos. Therefore, this publication is the most

58 Publications

Diaries: 1917-1989

Los Diarios de Don José Miguel Barandiaran son un testimonio de gran valor para conocer mejor la trayectoria de la vida del impulsor de nuestra Fundación.

2 Publications

Other publications

Euskalerri’ko leen-gizona": 80 urte

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Europa, Barandiaran eta baloreak: Jose Miguel Barandiaranen heriotzaren 25. urteurrena

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Abenduaren 31. Jose Miguel de Barandiaranen bizitzan

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